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Un petit coup de Eighteen Twelve…

Sans mentir, chaque fois que je pense à Farscape, ça fait 1812 dans ma tête…

Posted by on Oct 20, 2007 in Farscape | 7 comments


  1. "Once upon a time, there was a boy named John, and John was an astronaut. He lived in a far away place called Earth which is so far away you’ve never heard of it. One day when John was out doing astronaut things, a big, blue wormhole gobbled him up and spat him out at the far end of the universe. Things were looking grim in Mudville, till our hero met an amazing living ship, made some nice new friends, and he hooked up with his dream girl. We could’ve lived happily ever after, but the Peacekeepers raped, chased and tortured us for years on end. And two months ago, we got our asses shot off again, this time it was the Scarrans (big reptiles, oooooouuuuh) and Moya, our living ship, limped her way to your happy planet for a little R&R, because, we figure "it’s empty ! hey, no one is gonna bother us !". Next thing, me and the future Mrs. Crichton are have a private moment when you guys fly by, badda boom badda bing, squiggly line squiggly line, crystalized, and it’s two months later."
    – John Chrichton

  2. 😀 Fa-bu-leux !

  3. youhou ça montre bien l’esprit de Farscape cette vidéo ^^.

    Sinon je sais pas si vous avez vu V Pour Vendetta mais je crois que c’est la même zic que V aime particulièrement … doute.

  4. Oh ben voui, c’est là-dessus qu’il fait péter le parlement, non ?

  5. Je le savais ! Oui le Parlement et aussi l’Opéra au début si je me souviens bien.

  6. Bééé oui, 1812 de Tchaichowsky, super connu ^^

  7. Oui oui je savais que c’était Tchaichowsky mais j’avais un doute soudain pour V pour Vendetta ^^

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