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Réplique du jour

« People should not be testing drugs because they are desperate. But, people won’t test drugs unless they are desperate. We need drugs to save children and puppies ergo we need desperate people ergo welfare kills sick children. »

(Dr Gregory House, House MD)

« People should not be testing drugs because they are desperate. But, people won’t test drugs unless they are desperate. We need drugs to save children and puppies ergo we need desperate people ergo welfare kills sick children. » (Dr Gregory House, House...

La Suite

Posted by on Oct 19, 2008 in Réplique du jour | 2 comments

Réplique du jour

« For now we have a refuge to go to. A refuge the Cylons know nothing about. It won’t be an easy journey. It’ll be long, and arduous. But I promise you one thing : on the memory of those lying here before you, we shall find it, and Earth shall become our new home. So say we all ! »

(Commander William Adama, Battlestar Galactica)

« For now we have a refuge to go to. A refuge the Cylons know nothing about. It won’t be an easy journey. It’ll be long, and arduous. But I promise you one thing : on the memory of those lying here before you, we shall find it, and Earth shall become our new home. So say we all ! » (Commander William Adama, Battlestar...

La Suite

Posted by on Oct 18, 2008 in Réplique du jour | 2 comments

Réplique du jour

« Hello, this is the pigeon from the balcony calling to apologize. I shouldn’t have knocked the tickets out of the pretty lady’s hand. It was all my fault, not hers. Bye. Coo. »

(Phoebe Buffay, Friends)

« Hello, this is the pigeon from the balcony calling to apologize. I shouldn’t have knocked the tickets out of the pretty lady’s hand. It was all my fault, not hers. Bye. Coo. » (Phoebe Buffay,...

La Suite

Posted by on Oct 16, 2008 in Réplique du jour | 2 comments
